freq with me
Written by Eric Schwimmer
I often need to count the frequency of events occurring in log files and what not, and I was never able to find a super clean way to do it in real time, so this perl script was born:
use IO::Select;
use Fcntl;
my (%counts, $start, @lines, $flags, $buffer);
my $select = IO::Select->new();
my $flags;
fcntl(STDIN, F_GETFL, $flags);
$flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(STDIN, F_SETFL, $flags);
my $start = time;
print "\033[2J";
print "\033[0;0H";
@lines = ();
if ($select->can_read(0))
@lines = <STDIN>;
$lines[0] = $buffer . $lines[0];
$buffer = ($lines[$#lines] =~ /\n$/) ? "" : pop @lines;
for my $line (@lines)
chomp $line;
my $elapsed = time - $start;
for my $line (sort keys %counts)
my $rates = $counts{$line};
my $sec_rate = $rates->[0];
$rates->[3] += $sec_rate;
my $total = $rates->[3];
push @{$rates->[1]}, $sec_rate;
shift @{$rates->[1]} if scalar @{$rates->[1]} > 60;
push @{$rates->[2]}, $sec_rate;
shift @{$rates->[2]} if scalar @{$rates->[2]} > 300;
my $min1_rate = avg($rates->[1]);
my $min5_rate = avg($rates->[2]);
printf "%s -- total: %s, 1 sec: %s, 1 min: %.2f/s, 5 min: %.2f/s\n",
$line, $total, $sec_rate, $min1_rate, $min5_rate;
$rates->[0] = 0;
sub avg
my ($list) = @_;
my $total = 0;
$total += $_ for (@$list);
return $total / scalar @$list;
Assuming you have jq installed and your logs are in JSON format, you can do something nifty like this:
tail -F /data/nginx/access_log | jq .status | freq
And it will spit out a real time display that looks like this (updated in real time):
"200" -- total: 45226, 1 sec: 676, 1 min: 674.75/s, 5 min: 675.01/s
"204" -- total: 133, 1 sec: 2, 1 min: 2.00/s, 5 min: 1.99/s
"304" -- total: 70, 1 sec: 1, 1 min: 1.03/s, 5 min: 1.04/s
"403" -- total: 3, 1 sec: 0, 1 min: 0.08/s, 5 min: 0.08/s
"404" -- total: 253, 1 sec: 3, 1 min: 4.02/s, 5 min: 3.89/s
"500" -- total: 52, 1 sec: 0, 1 min: 0.80/s, 5 min: 0.78/s
"502" -- total: 1, 1 sec: 0, 1 min: 0.05/s, 5 min: 0.05/s