
The glass is 2x larger than it needs to be

procmon: pidstat redefined

Written by Eric Schwimmer

I love pidstat (part of the sysstat package). It's highly useful when you want to monitor the performance of a single process (or small subset of processes). However it's output is a little ... verbose, and not terribly configurable. So I wrote a small Bash wrapper for it that prints stats for one or more processes (as determined by the regular expression that you pass to the script) in a more compact format, ala dstat:


fatal() { echo $1; exit 1; }
[[ $# == 1 ]] || fatal "Usage: procmon <proc name>"
[[ $(which pidstat) == "" ]] && fatal "Missing 'pidstat' binary"

pids=$(pgrep $1)
[[ $pids == "" ]] && fatal "No processes with that name found"

while [[ 1 ]]
    printf '%8.8s|%5.5s|%6.6s|%10.10s|%6.6s|%10.10s|%10.10s\n' \
        'Time' 'PID' '%CPU' 'CSW/s' '%Mem' 'Kb read/s' 'Kb write/s'
    while [[ "$i" -lt "$numNoHeaderLines" ]]
        pidstat -p $pids -d -r -u -h 5 1 | tail -1 | \
            awk '{"date +%T -d @"$1 | getline date;
            printf "%8.8s|%5.5s|%6.6s|%10.0f|%6.6s|%10.0f|%10.0f\n",
            date, $3, $7, $17+$18, $13, $14, $15}' || exit

I'm thinking about cranking out a script that would do most of what pidstat does, but add network traffic data, as well as the ability to print individual columns (e.g. %CPU utilization without having to print VSZ/RSS). Eh, much /proc wrangling would definitely be required.

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